I have not dropped off the face of the earth or anything crazy, but I am rather swamped this week in other projects. I should be able to resume posting sometime next week.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert
This week's NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert.
Posted by
10:26 PM
Labels: Gun Rights
Thursday, May 21, 2009
National Park Carry Amendment Passed by the House
The National Park Carry Coburn Amendment to the Credit Card bill was approved by the House yesterday. Next stop will be the President's desk where Obama is expected to sign the bill, not because of the Amendment, but in spite of it.
Posted by
10:11 AM
Labels: Gun Free Zone, Gun Rights, Legislation
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Patrick Johnson: Behind the Scene with pro-gun Bloggers
Christian Science Monitor author Patrick Johnson wrote an article titled: "A rifle in one hand, a laptop in the other. Behind the scene with pro-gun bloggers"
In the press box, bloggers outnumbered national reporters by a good margin. And officially, nearly 50 bloggers — compared to 100 mainstream print journalists — were accredited by the NRA press office to attend the 138th annual convention.
Posted by
11:46 AM
Labels: Gun Rights
Monday, May 18, 2009
Saturday at the NRA Convention
Saturday was a lot of fun. I took a couple of my boys along with me & we explored the NRA Exhibition floor which took most of the day, even though we only stopped to look more closely at the items of most interest to us. I think we would have needed at least a week to get a detailed look at everything that caught our eye.

Posted by
9:25 AM
Labels: Shooting Sports
Friday, May 15, 2009
Friday at the NRA Convention
I had a great time today at the 2009 NRA Annual Meeting here in Phoenix Arizona. I spent a lot of time today with Eric Shelton (of the Handgun Podcast) & Carl (of the Gun Dudes Podcast) which was a lot of fun in itself, both are great guys and were a lot of fun to hang around. As an extra bonus Eric even gave me a Handgun Podcast T-shirt which was great.
Posted by
11:43 PM
Labels: Gun Rights, Shooting Sports
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
AZCDL: Parking Lot Storage Bill Passed by House
From the AZCDL:
HB 2474 passed out of the House “Third Read” on Wednesday, May 13, 2009, by a vote of 41-10 with 9 members not voting. You can see how your Representatives voted here.From here HB 2474 will be transmitted to the Senate.HB 2474 stipulates that property owners, tenants, public or private employers, and business entities must not prohibit the transport or storage of legally owned firearms in locked and privately owned motor vehicles parked within parking lots, parking garages, and other designated parking areas. It exempts property owners, tenants, public or private employers, business entities, and their employees or agents from civil liability for damages resulting from or arising out of an act involving a legally owned firearm that is transported or stored within a locked and privately owned vehicle. It allows employers and business entities to prescribe policies mandating that owners keep firearms out of the plain view of the public when stored or transported in locked and privately owned vehicles. And, it specifies inapplicability stemming from state and federal prohibition, and motor vehicle ownership.Note: Because AzCDL’s directors and officers will be attending the NRA Annual Meeting this weekend, there will not be any additional Alerts this week.These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization.AzCDL Protecting Your FreedomCopyright © 2009 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved.
Posted by
5:34 PM
Labels: AZ, Legislation
Howard Nemerov: Truth About Tiahrt Amendment
Howard Nemerov has written an article explaining truth vs fiction surrounding recent proposed changes to the Tiahrt Amendment.
Posted by
1:50 PM
Labels: Legislation
New Hope for Self Defense in National Parks
Senator Tom Coburn sponsored an amendment to the credit card reform bill which was then passed out of the Senate by a 67 to 29 majority. I'm not myself in favor of the credit reform bill because no matter how good it sounds, anything Congress tries to regulate always turns into field fertilizer (problems they try to solve normally multiply & increase in intensity). However, due to the fact that the old House version of the same bill passed by a vote of 357 to 70 there is likely no stopping it (due largely to the battle cry of "we're having an emergency! We need to fix it NOW- you don't have time to read it!").
Posted by
12:55 PM
Labels: Legislation, Politicians, Self Defense
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon & Council EAT $152,000.00 (in free food)
Like many other cities Phoenix Arizona is going through tough times with budget cuts & layoffs so you'd think the free food for Mayor Phil Gordon & Council members would be among the first things knocked off of the plate. Apparently not:
. . . Over the last three years, members of the Phoenix City Council have spent more than $152,000 on food and catering.
Council members have spent thousands at Tom's Tavern, the Downtown Deli, and Paradise Bakery.
"We all get a paycheck," Phoenix resident Justin Evans said. "We all have to pay for our own food. Why can't they?" . . .
The ABC15 Investigators also found that Mayor Phil Gordon's personal membership to the State Bar of Arizona is paid for by the taxpayers.
The mayor declined our repeated requests for an on-camera interview and refused to answer questions at a recent Phoenix City Council meeting . . .
Posted by
2:01 PM
Labels: AZ, Politicians, Video
Monday, May 11, 2009
NRA Annual Meeting in Phoenix THIS WEEKEND!
I am looking forward to the 2009 NRA Annual Meeting/Convention going on this weekend here in Phoenix Arizona. If you can avoid missing it, make sure that you don't. You won't regret showing up, but you probably would regret missing it if it was within your grasp. The 2010 meeting will be taking place in NC, and the 2011 meeting will be in PA, so if you live ANYWHERE west of the Mississippi this is probably your shortest drive for years to come. :)
Posted by
6:08 PM
Labels: AZ, Gun Rights
AZ: Parking Lot Storage HB 2474 - House Vote Tomorrow
The Arizona House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on Parking Lot Storage/Worker Protection Bill HB 2747 tomorrow on Tuesday May 12th. The NRA-ILA has issued an alert asking everyone to contact your representatives to request their support.
Posted by
3:08 PM
Labels: AZ, Legislation
Friday, May 8, 2009
NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert
This week's NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert.
Posted by
6:12 PM
Labels: Gun Rights
AZCDL Legislative Update
HB 2177, which allows a person with a valid concealed weapons permit to possess, transport or carry a weapon within a game refuge, passed out of the House Committee of the Whole (COW) on May 6, 2009. From here, it will be calendared for the House Third Read (final vote before being transmitted to the Senate).HB 2439, which passed out of the House COW back on March 26, 2009, passed out of the House Third Read and was transmitted to the Senate on May 6, 2009. Thanks to your emails, HB 2439 passed with a favorable 40 to 20 vote. HB 2439 is the AzCDL-requested CCW training reform bill.HB 2474 was debated and voted on in the House COW on May 7, 2009. We are expecting to see it calendared for the House Third Read next week. HB 2474 prevents any private or public employer, property owner, etc. from banning any person from keeping a firearm in a locked vehicle in a parking area on the property, with specific, limited exceptions.In the Senate, non-budget bills have still not been assigned to committees while they continue working on the 2010 budget. Stuck in this legislative limbo are several AzCDL-requested bills, including SB 1270 (Constitutional Carry), SB 1243 (Defensive Display), and HB 2439 (CCW Training Reform).Next weekend is the NRA’s 138th Annual Meeting at the Phoenix Convention Center. All AzCDL directors and officers will be there, along with many of your State legislators. We hope to see you there! Be sure to proudly wear your AzCDL t-shirt! You can find more information here: http://www.nraam.com/Stay tuned! When critical legislation moves, we will notify you via these Alerts.These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization.AzCDL – Protecting Your FreedomCopyright © 2009 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved
Posted by
11:18 AM
Labels: AZ, Legislation
GA: Armed College Student Saved the Day
Long story short, two thugs broke into a home hosting a party with plans to spend the evening commiting armed robbery, rape, and possibly even mass murder. Thankfully one of the intended victims was not defeneseless. He pulled out his own gun, shot & killed one thug, scared the other thug away. I LOVE happy endings like this.
Posted by
12:53 AM
Labels: Self Defense
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
WA: North Whidbey Sportsmen's Association
Although I no longer live on Whidbey Island I continue to maintain my membership in the North Whidbey Sportsmen's Association so that I always have a convenient place to shoot when I go visit family there. I also feel great about my membership because they continue to sponsor annual youth events like the shooting portion of the US Pony Club annual Tetrathlon.
I love seeing children experiencing a healthy exposure to the shooting sports. Once they learn about the rules of safe gun use & see how much fun the shooting sports are they are much more likely to have a desire to stay involved. Even if they don't they still will know how to be safe around guns & will be far less likely to fall for regurgitated lies by the likes of the Brady folks who attempt to perpetuate the myth that evil guns exist. There are evil people in the world, but there are no evil guns.
Posted by
4:50 PM
Labels: Shooting Sports
M1A Forum & Rifle Scope Contest
Jerry of M1ARifles has provided my readers with a special opportunity to get a head start on a contest he will be announcing this weekend which is intended to increase the size of his M1A Online Forum. The first contest will officially be announced this Saturday on the 9th of May, but readers of this post will get a head start with the contest starting today on the 5th of May. The contest will end on Saturday May 23rd. Below are the contest details for those who wish to participate:
1. Discuss this contest on your blog or on any online forum of your choice. It doesn't have to be a long post, but the post must include a link to this post and the start/end date of the contest.2. Once the post is finished, the contestant must contact Jerry using his contact page with the message "rifle scope contest" - be sure to include the link to your post about the contest in the message.3. Register as a user at the M1A forum.4. Participate in the forums. All posts must be quality posts and not just junk posts.The person with the most posts in the forum by the end of the contest period wins!The prize is a NEW Nikon Buckmasters 4.5-14x40 SF BDC Rifle scope!**Attention** Make sure all registration and emails are valid! Use the same e-mail address for step 2 (contact) & step 3 (registration). The winner will be contacted via that email address.
Posted by
3:38 PM
Labels: Misc
AZ: Phoenix Convention Center Requests Partial Suspension of Liquor License for NRA Convention
The Phoenix Convention Center has requested a partial suspension of its Liquor License for the upcoming NRA Convention here in Phoenix this May 14-17. This is to avoid issues with the Arizona Liquor Laws such as the law that requires Bar owners & employees of Liquor Licensees to ask armed citizens to leave the premises ARS 4-244 unlawful acts, 30.
30. For a licensee or employee to knowingly permit a person in possession of a firearm other than a peace officer, the licensee or an employee of the licensee acting with the permission of the licensee to remain on the licensed premises or to serve, sell or furnish spirituous liquor to a person in possession of a firearm while on the licensed premises of an on-sale retailer. This paragraph shall not apply to hotel or motel guest room accommodations nor to the exhibition or display of a firearm in conjunction with a meeting, show, class or similar event. It shall be a defense to action under this paragraph if the licensee or employee requested assistance of a peace officer to remove such person.
Posted by
9:05 AM
Labels: AZ, Legislation
Monday, May 4, 2009
Glendale ArizonaShooting.com Open Carry Dinner
For anyone interested, members of the ArizonaShooting.com online forum have organized an open carry Dinner at Golden Corral (5679 W Northern Ave, Glendale, AZ 85301) all you can eat Buffet for this Saturday May 9th @ 6pm. You can view the AZS thread or the related event in facebook.
Posted by
12:08 PM
Labels: Gun Rights, Shooting Sports