Friday, January 6, 2012

Another try for Campus Carry

Patriotic Senator Ron Gould plans to introduce legislation on Monday that would remove current restrictions for students who poses CCW permits while they are on Arizona College Campuses. I'd love to see an even broader bill, but based on past results this is likely the best first step. Please contact Senator Gould and let him know that you support his efforts. He is currently facing an onslaught of left wing anti-gun media coverage claiming that the sky would fall and blood would run in the streets if 21 year old adults who already have CCW permits and already carry a gun everywhere else in the State were suddenly no longer prohibited from defending themselves while they happen to be in yet another so-called "Gun Free Zone"

For those who think Gun Free Zones work, just ask the victims of the Virginia Tech Gun Free Zone how well the zone worked for them. The simple truth is that criminals, rapists, and crazy people do not obey gun free zone signs any more than they would obey a smoke free zone or a no parking zone. They simply ignore them. The people victimized by gun free zones time and time again are the defenseless victims trapped within them.


Anonymous said...

I do not think we should have gun free zones, If we all carried there would be less crime in my eyes because the people doing the crimes would have a reason not to attack or rob you if you were carrying.

Josh said...

I believe that if we had more people that would carry even on a campus the schools would be safer. The key is to make sure those people are well trained with gun safety.

Anonymous said...

It is not eaven necessairy to get a lot of people carrying to be effective. 1 or 2 percent carrying puts 1 person on average into a classroom. This is enough to deter most campus shooters. Two years ago there was a school board shooting that was almost averted because the color guard at the beginning of the meeting had a dummy rifle. It was oly after it was explained the gun was not functional that he went into the meeting.

Harlojr said...

This needs to be effective immideitly. The world, and the people in it arent getting any better. The more restrictions put on our freedoms, (the freedoms our founding fathers specified for a reason) the more vulnerable we become.. The people that think the country would be safer if guns to the public were banned or heavily restricted, dont consider the simple fact that if a criminal has the intent to kill or rob you, he certainly wont hesitate when buying an illegal gun.. Its our right to protect ourselves. and thats how it should be.

gun auction online said...

Carrying guns will protect the user from any threats to his or her life. Responsible use is a must that guns are not use for illegitimate purpose.

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Unknown said...

Now a days, Guns are becoming so famous and most of the people thinks that it is a sign of royalty.

khairul044 said...

The people that think the country would be safer if guns to the public were banned or heavily restricted, dont consider the simple fact that if a criminal has the intent to kill or rob you,

BB Guns said...

I feel its good to own a licensed gun with elder people. Government needs to fix the minimum age for the kids, to have their own guns.

Anonymous said...

If you are a teacher, consider the possibility that the SWAT team may shoot you when they see your gun in hand. They don't have time to ask you for ID.

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