Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bad news for California

This year Californians find themselves subject to 725 brand new laws, such as one law that could land parents in jail for not having an "approved" excuse for enough missed school days, and another law that makes it illegal to build a building that isn't "energy efficient" enough to make Al Gore smile.
To make matters worse for my friends in California, I recently met an anti-gun Progressive Liberal who is planning to move from Arizona to California because he feels there are not enough restrictions on our rights here in Arizona. He told me that while he "supports the 2nd Amendment" he doesn't feel anyone should actually be "allowed" to bear arms. When I asked him what part of bear arms he fails to understand when he claims to support the Second Amendment, he gave me a deer in the headlights look. Probably the same look he'll have if he is ever unlucky enough to get mugged in his currently unarmed defenseless state.

All I can say is good riddance, but to my friends in California I do send my condolences for yet another anti-freedom Progressive that will be heading your way.


  1. You have to be kidding me. A major shooting in your state of Arizona, and not a single word from you all weekend?! WTH

  2. Anonymous: This is a part time gig - I am a one man operation with a full time job and a family. This is not Fox News - if you want timely news you'll have to go to or

    Don't worry, I have plenty to say on the subject, especially on the knee-jerk response of the Sheriff and the Liberals to blame conservatives for the actions of a left wing nut job, but out of sympathy for those who have lost loved ones I'll keep my mouth shut for another day or so. :)

  3. The most recent shooting was orchestrated by the gun control lobbyists. If you study any government brainwashing techniques then you can clearly see that the man had a "handler". A handler is used to manipulate a target into shooting a crowd and making a big publicity stink so legislation can be passed and the public will stomach it. Someone got paid to manipulate the man into doing the shooting. The handlers use civil rights violations, drugs, torture, hypnosis and more to induce shootings. I would like to know who the handler was and who paid the handler....

  4. I am not sure which one has lost more of its marbles, California or New York - for both are bound and determine to ban all guns from private ownership if possible.

    My advice, move if you can.

  5. It's definitely a tight competition between the two. :)

  6. I recently spoke with a peer at work, who lives in CA - and though a former Marine, is extremely liberal. At one point about three years ago, he threatened to kill Bush if he could get up enough courage...He feels (like your friend), that while the 2nd Amendment is good, that no-one should carry guns in public. When I told him that I always carry, his jaw dropped. I asked him if he felt that tools that were even more destructive than guns should be banned, he agreed. I then asked how he would feel if the government banned all vehicles and his ability to drive, because they result in more deaths htna handguns. He didn't have an answer. I'm glad he lives in CA - the polarization of attitudes continues. Buy them all one-way tickets to CA...

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