Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Another Shooting in a Gun Free Zone

How in the world could we have another shooting in a gun free school zone? Didn't that psychopath read the gun free zone sign? Perhaps it didn't have large enough letters.

Only a MORON would think a sign could deter crime. Morons & Progressives. Yet again, the only people disarmed by the gun free zone were the helpless victims. How many shootings need to take place in gun free zones before the Progressives will figure out that they don't work? Why are we using our children as lab rats in this experiment called gun free school zones? Why don't the Progressives post signs on their own front doors letting potential criminals know that they will find helpless victims inside? Why only do it to our children while they are in our institutions of learning?


  1. Yeah, when people are planning their shooting spree to be a one way ticket, they don't really care to add "unlawfully brought a gun on campus" to the charges.

    It's crazy that John Lott (an advocate for increased guns=increased safety from this type of thing) was scheduled to speak that very day.

    Keep up the posts Dustin!

  2. Good Lord!! Another sign? Just drive down the highway & try to read all of the signs & I'm talking about the signs the highway department puts up. Kind of hard to read all of them & keep driving 60 MPH & watch traffic.

    Now a sign for guns in a school? What bureaucrat thought this one up?

  3. The progressives aren't interseted in whether or not the signs work. They're interseted in confiscating your (our) guns. The more stories and blogs I read like this, the more guns and ammo I want to get.

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