Tuesday, May 27, 2008

CA: Woman cited for carrying a shotgun

I guess in Longview California Police get a bit upset when you bear arms while walking down the street. At least that's the idea I get from the fact that they held a woman carrying her shotgun while walking to a Pawn Shop at gunpoint & demanded that she drop her weapon. After all that they added injury to insult by slapping her with a $250 fine for so-called "disorderly conduct."

I don't know about you, but I'd think an apology & a nice box of flowers would have been more appropriate than a $250 fine.


  1. Just keep in mind that even here in AZ where we can legally carry open, brandishing is still illegal. The lady could have at least spent $6 on a gun sock...

  2. Technically carrying a shotgun is not brandishing. Brandishing is holding or displaying a weapon in a threatening manner. She wasn't charged with brandishing a weapon, she was charged with "disturbing the peace" - why? Because she wasn't breaking any laws so they just made something up.


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