Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Miami Herald spreading lies & misinformation

The Lamestream Media is at it again - The Miami Herald is spreading lies & misinformation.

The article is so full of misinformation that I don't know where to begin. What I really want to know is how people "made a few bucks" by spending around $600 to $1,000.00 plus sales tax to buy legal semi-automatic AK-47's at gun stores & then turning around to sell them on the black market for $100 or $200? Sounds like such criminals would be out of business very quickly.
''Someone will go in and buy a number of these weapons, legally, and then they'll turn around and sell them out of the trunk of their car, illegally,'' said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. ``It's a fast and easy way to make a few bucks.'' . . .
According to Miami's police chief . . .

''They're everywhere,'' Timoney said. ``At $100 or $200, everyone can afford one of these killing machines.''


  1. Newspapers were never known for their common sense, or accuracy.

  2. Dang! These particular "dealers" shouldn't be too hard for even the police to find. At $100-$200 a pop, just look for the loooong line. HaHaHa


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