Friday, April 26, 2013

The folks over at were kind enough to send me a few samples of their products to try out and review.   I am happy to say that after using the products that I received I am 100% satisfied with the durability and high quality of construction - I am certain they will stand the test of time and be enjoyed by my family for many years to come.

Our favorite neclace is the .308 paracord neclace which has 2 slipknots making size adjustment easy depending on your preference.  My primary struggle has been to keep either of the bullet necklaces for myself as my teenage boys have been "borrowing" and failing to return them.  Needless to say they are a hit in our home.  I have also found that in addition to being stylish the bullet bottle openers have been effective at easily removing the lid off of the soda bottles I tried them out on.

So if you're interested in trying out interesting products made by the employees of a small American company, go check out - I don't think you would be disappointed, and just in case anything were to go wrong - they have an excellent customer satisfaction return policy.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Guns in America

The Blaze has a very cool series named Guns in America that is helping to spread truth and dispel myth.  Recent topics include Women & Guns, Gun Industry Employment, and Gun Ownership.  Check it out.

Standing up for Free Speech

8th grader Jared Marcum was not the first youth to be unjustifiably disciplined for wearing an NRA Shirt, but I believe he may be the first to wear the exact same shirt on the very first day that he returned to school.  Keep up the great work Jared!

I believe Ben Franklin would agree when I say that we must all hang together in support of Free Speech, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.

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