Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Phoenix Steps on the 1st Amendment to Attack the 2nd

The city of Phoenix, in an effort to attack local businesses who were advertising their gun safety training classes through an advertising campaign led by, stepped on the 1st Amendment right to free speech by censoring paid advertising which did nothing other than promote gun safety training. What exactly does Mayor Phil Gordon and the Phoenix City Council have against gun safety programs? Does the Mayor really want everyone to be as incompetent and unsafe around guns as he appears to want to be? It is clearly his right to choose not to learn about gun safety, but it is not his right to prohibit free speech that does nothing other than promote gun safety programs for everyone else.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fiocchi Ammo

Lucky Gunner has posted an interview with Carlo Fiocchi of Fiocchi Ammo. Whey you buy Fiocchi Ammunition, you're supporting US Jobs, because much of the ammunition they sell here is manufactured in the US (100% of shotgun shells, 95% of rifle ammunition, and 75% of pistol ammunition).

Saturday, October 16, 2010

School ordered to pay $240,000.00 for prohibiting Free Speech

TCC (Terrant County College) was ordered to pay $240,000.00 for prohibiting an empty holster protest by members of SCCC (Students for Concealed Carry on Campus). Hopefully this will be a lesson learned not only by TCC, but by any College or University who has the desire to ban 1st Amendment protected Free Speech by proponents of 2nd Amendment freedoms. Be sure to check out the FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) related video "Empty Holsters:"

Empty Holsters from FIRE on Vimeo.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Yes on Prop 109 to Protect Hunting & Fishing in Arizona

Animal Rights and Anti-hunting groups are attacking our right to hunt and fish in Arizona. Proposition 106 is our chance to stop them at the pass. The NRA-ILA has the details.

Update 1: The Arizona Game & Fish Commissioners have created a website with facts vs myths about Prop 109.

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